Arte Shop The initiative was presented the 2011/06/29 by Lan Ekintza and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of the Basque Country, and as far as funding is concerned has a 50% co-financing from the European Social Fund.
100 BDW Kreativnih igrališta za decu Srbije – 100 BDW Creative Playgrounds for the children of Serbia The project “100 Creative BDW Playgrounds for the Children of Serbia” is a unique initiative,
Ravintolapäivä – Restaurant Day Restaurant Day is the world’s biggest food carnival and happens worldwide four times a year. In the past Restaurant Days all together over 17 400 one-day restaurants by over 70 000 restaurateurs have catered for estimated 2 million customers in 70 countries.
Ravintolapäivä – Restaurant Day Restaurant Day is the world’s biggest food carnival and happens worldwide four times a year. In the past Restaurant Days all together over 17 400 one-day restaurants by over 70 000 restaurateurs have catered for estimated 2 million customers in 70 countries.
European canteen EQuAMA is an association that aims to improve the management, promotion and animation of the European Quarter in Brussels. Acting as a laboratory, EQuAMA is testing new ways of using public space and wants to attract users and visitors to lively,
Demo Graz Ya! Iconoclasistas (artists) developed “collective mapping” as a fun and creative tool that facilitates the construction of a collective story in a certain territory. During the steirische herbst 2012 Iconoclassistas implemented this tool in the project demo graz ya!
Pazi!Park – Attention!Park The group Pazi!Park has been existing for more than 10 years. The group was a really informal one for a long time, without any legal status, with the goal to raise awareness on the importance of quality urban public spaces to make the city life better.
Projekt koncepcyjny Parku Kastanowego w Cieszynie – Conceptual project of Chestnut Park in Cieszyn 1. Exhibition: 17.07.2012 r. Cieszyn Castle took the opening of the exhibition “Where to play?” presenting playgrounds drawings made by children from the classes at the School of Painting,
Tallinna Transport – Tallinn Transport The project began with the group of designers’ self-initiative and aim to redesign Tallinn public transport service and therefore make public transport a transparent, logic and complacent means of transportation for the passenger.
St. Clements Hospital The St. Clements project itself is quite simply the redevelopment of a former hospital site into a mix used area dominated by housing. The main development partners are Galliford Try,
The co-creation briefing trail continues to Graz, where the Austrian Human Cities partners FH Joanneum, Department of Exhibition Design are scheming to creating an array of creative initiatives in the Jakomini Neighbourhood throughout 2016.
The design and concept for this app – which will be available to download from April 2016– was developed by three creative minds from Graz. Miriam Derler, Andrea Hutter and Miriam Weiss,
Its focus on Poland this week, where the fabulous Human Cities partners Zamek Cieszyn are opening up for rather ambitious ideas to reconnect with the city’s history as a market town for the whole region.
Clear Village’s urban experiment for “Human Cities, Challenging the City Scale” kicked off on the evening of 21st September 2015 with the Open Mile. The Open Mile offered a trail of open studios,
Its autumn, its Milan and its just magic. Far from the usual design trail, our Milanese partners have put their minds to a square in one of the City’s south districts.
The Recode the City Festival takes the Human Cities programme to London from 21st to 23 September 2015. Organised by Clear Village in collaboration with the Machines Room and Lime Wharf,
> Challenges, potential and possible scope for the experimentation: Use optimization of the built environment through the project “School as a Service” at Aalto University’s campus in Otaniemi, Espoo (Finland). It consists of the creation of a new temporary school in Otaniemi for those schoolchildren whose own school is under reparation,
We sealed off the summer with a couple of beautiful days in Helsinki: Human Cities partners Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture hosted two days of scheming on how to challenge the city scale in Helsinki.
reported by Ljubljana Human Cities Team The first co-creation briefing of Human Cities-Challenging the city scale took place on the 18th and 19th of June 2015 in Ljubljana. This was an occasion for the Human Cities Ljubljana team to meet the local community of Bratovševa ploščad,
reported by Ljubljana Human Cities Team The first co-creation briefing of Human Cities-Challenging the city scale took place on the 18th and 19th of June 2015 in Ljubljana. This was an occasion for the Human Cities Ljubljana team to meet the local community of Bratovševa ploščad,
The Cité du Design will lead various experimentations on Saint-Etienne territory in 2015-2017. One of the topics is to tackle the retails and street level spaces. In the contemporary urban context,
The Ljubljana Human Cities team is opening the second stage of Human Cities project: EXPERIMENTING in the urban territories with citizens. What is experimentation process in the Human Cities project? Experimentation is a speculative method,
( is an initiative mounted by Carton Plein and B.E.A.U. for participants of the Crossroads 2015 programme during Human Citie: Challenging the City Scale – organised by Cité du Design in Saint-Etienne,
( is an initiative mounted by Carton Plein and B.E.A.U. for participants of the Crossroads 2015 programme during Human Citie: Challenging the City Scale – organised by Cité du Design in Saint-Etienne,